19. June 2023

Last Informations

Last Informations

How do I get to Eglisau?

The best way is by public transport. The S-Bahn arrives at Eglisau station from Zurich at :09 and :39 each day. Afterwards it is a nice walk (15 minutes) from Eglisau station to us at the Rhine. Please use the underpass at the main road.

When do the races take place?

We start on Saturday at 09:00 and every 15 minutes a race starts until 19:00. On Sunday we start again at 09:00 until 17:30. You can find the detailed race schedule here:

Race schedule Dragon Boat Race 2023

When and where will the party take place?

On Friday evening we start at the Schützenhaus Eglisau at 21:00. During the day we celebrate on Saturday from 10:00 until 20:00 at the Rhine. At 22:00 we continue at the Schützenhaus Eglisau. On Sunday we are from 10:00 again on the Rhine until 18:00.

Do I have to pay an entry fee?

It is FREE at the Rhine. During the day you can watch the teams, cheer them on, party and dance without paying anything. For the party's in the evening we recommend you our advance sale:


Where can I eat and drink?

At the venue you will find a wide range of food and drinks in our restaurant. There are several bars where you can taste your way through the day. Also in the evening in the Schützenhaus there will be food and drinks available.

What is not allowed?

Barbecues, animals, music systems, alcohol, containers of drinks and large quantities of food are not allowed to bring yourself. Thank you for your understanding

Attention: It will be hot during the weekend, therefore we advise you to bring a headgear. We also advise you to wear sunscreen, to drink enough and not to expose yourself to the blazing sun for a longer period of time!

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Eglisau at the Rhein.


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